The Raw Truth On Where Interest Rates Are Headed

Tesla's EV Chargers Now Paying BIG Dividends


Tesla's unique charging technology is becoming the national standard for EV charging stations. A host of major automakers have recently announced that their electric vehicles will use Tesla's charging technology. We're talking about multibillion-dollar industry titans such as Volvo, General Motors, Ford, and Rivian that are adopting Tesla's charging tech.

Tesla's market value has already jumped $40 billion in the past few weeks alone on the heels of these firms' announcements. And while Tesla is undoubtedly benefiting from all this… There's an even BIGGER beneficiary of Tesla's rapidly growing supercharger network… I'm talking about a small group of companies that are being paid to manage and install all these new EV charging stations across the nation. These little-known firms are projected to generate a staggering $563 million in profits this year… And the best part is that they're required to share these profits with ordinary Americans like you. We're talking about effortlessly getting paid up to $93 per day! All it takes is just five minutes to get set up using your computer and mobile phone. Get all the details right here


P.S. The auto industry's rapid adoption of Tesla's charging tech has paved the way for a massive income opportunity. A handful of companies managing this EV charging boom could earn you up to $93 per day. A five-minute setup is all it takes. Grab these hidden payouts right here

by Marc Lichtenfeld

I met one of my best friends more than 25 years ago on the trading desk. He’s a very private person, so I’ll call him Chris (even though his name is Mike). He runs a small hedge fund, and we chat online every day the market is open.

On Friday, as stocks were moving higher and interest rates were plummeting, we were discussing the day’s market action.

M: Feels like the market wants to melt up.

C: Market is telling Powell to go jump in a lake.

Full disclosure, my buddy Chris used much more colorful language than that. The language used on the trading desk could make a Samuel L. Jackson rant after stubbing his toe seem tame. But since we keep it classy here at Wealthy Retirement, we’ll leave it at “go jump in a lake.” You probably get the idea of what he was saying.

Inflation has come way down from the near-double-digit readings we saw just a few months ago. It’s currently at 3.2%. And Fed Chair Jay Powell has been steadfast in his insistence that the Fed will tame inflation and will not back off until the mission is accomplished.

But a quick look at interest rates tells you the markets aren’t too worried about future rate hikes.

The yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury has come all the way down from 5% in mid-October to under 4.2% as of this morning. That’s a big move in a short amount of time.

Markets tend to be forward-looking mechanisms. They generally forecast about six to 12 months into the future. That’s why you sometimes see stocks bottom and start to rebound while the economy is still in a recession. When that happens, it signals that the recession is likely to end soon. Similarly, when stocks fall while things are booming, that tells you the good times might be about to end.

The rapid decline in bond yields suggests to me that the market believes the Fed is done raising rates and that the Fed’s next move will be a reduction in rates, not a hike.

The futures market agrees. According to the fed funds futures data, there is a near-zero probability that the Fed will raise rates in 2024, and it is a near certainty that it will lower them by late next year.

Now, markets are not always right. Things change, data fluctuates and investors respond accordingly. But generally speaking, it pays to listen to what the markets tell you, because they are a good barometer of what is likely to happen.

With stocks climbing and interest rates falling, my interpretation is that inflation is fading and the Fed should be close to finished with its rate hikes.

Should that occur, Jay Powell may find he has more time to relax… perhaps at a lake.

Genius investor: AI “wealth window” will close January 9, 2024


Hello. I'm James Altucher. I've been called a “genius investor” by my fans… And an “eccentric millionaire” by some others. I think it's because I make big predictions… That tend to come true. Today, I'm making my boldest prediction ever. Next-generation AI technology will create the first $100 TRILLION industry. And there could be trillions available to those investors who get in early. I put together this personal video [HERE]… Revealing the AI stocks I believe… Could turn as little as $10,000… Into $1 MILLION over the next few years. If you get in early, this one-time opportunity could… Potentially change your financial circumstances… For you, your family, and your heirs. Today, I want to show you how I believe… AI 2.0 will open a brief “wealth window”… That will slam shut January 9, 2024. If you've missed out on new tech opportunities before…. I urge you, do not ignore this message. HERE is everything you need now.


P.S. To show you I'm serious about helping you get in on this opportunity, I'm giving away one of my top 5 AI 2.0 stock picks – free. See my top 5 pick here now.

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Warren Buffet's #1 Favorite Investment

Learn how to invest in the specific type of private investment that netted Warren Buffett a combined $27 Billion in profits.

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How To Invest In Elon's New "Project X"

Take a moment right now and unlock this shocking video.

I just saw this from my friend, veteran trader Tim Bohen.

He says this video details a mega trading opportunity right now, that could blow up in the weeks to come.

In fact, he says, just one tweet from Elon Musk could blow this story wide open on or before April 25. 

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How To Invest In The Tiny Company Behind the "Forever Battery"

It’s called the “Forever Battery” and this groundbreaking technology could be the biggest story of 2022. Get the details on how to invest in this exciting startup from early-stage investing expert Charles Mizrahi.

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The #1 Stock of A Generation

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The #1 Blockchain Investment For 2022

Blockchain technology burst into the mainstream in 2021. Institutional investors have been pouring money into a variety of highly promising opportunities, but one investment stand out as the single biggest blockchain opportunity.

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