Government Backed AI Play Pays Hefty Dividend Yield

Elon Musk's new plan to replace Tesla?


Elon Musk's new robots have an AI brain. They could eventually cook you a pot roast… Mow your lawn… He's even hinted at creating a “romantic companion” version…… He says his new robots could soon be bigger than Tesla. That's just the start. In fact, I now believe AI technology… Will be the first $100 TRILLION industry. There could be trillions available to those who get in early… If you missed out on making money on crypto… Your second chance could be starting now. Today, for the first time… I'm showing good Americans exactly what to do… Go here now to see my plan… For investing in AI during this brief “wealth window”.

P.S. To show you I'm serious about helping you get in on this opportunity, I'm giving away one of my top 5 AI 2.0 stock picks – free. See my top 5 pick here now.

A unique type of investment could help you make more money than you will need for the rest of your life.

It's what we call the “Amazon secret royalty program.” It's an income stream that allows you to collect $1,000s… $10,000s… or more every year!

In fact, Business Insider says this type of investment could provide “enough money to live off of each year, without having any other retirement plan…”

“Royalties” are the most exciting investments in history. Put simply, they're periodic payouts… That could deliver all the money you need for your retirement…

While these “royalties” are different from traditional royalties, just one could hand you enough income to live life on your own terms.

And it only takes a few minutes to set up.

Learn how to collect your first payout before December 10th.

Elon Musk: THIS will be bigger than Tesla


I've been called a “genius investor” by my fans… And an “eccentric millionaire” by some others. I think it's because I make big predictions… That tend to come true. Today, I'm revealing a brand-new prediction: American manufacturing will leave China… And make a triumphant return to America… Thanks to AI-powered robots. The technology is being developed right now. I'm talking about, among others… Elon Musk's Optimus robots. These robots are autonomous workers… Embedded with a smart “AI brain”. Musk is going to use thousands of them in Tesla factories… AI robots will make it cheaper to manufacture goods here in America than China. And they'll create new American jobs in construction, maintenance, transportation, management, and more. Musk believes the potential of these robots is almost limitless… And could soon exceed Tesla's revenues… He's even said his robots have the potential to be used in homes… To make dinner and do housework… Care for the elderly… Or even hinted at them… Being a buddy or “romantic companion” for lonely people. Now that may sound strange… (And perhaps it is.) But I've learned not to bet against Musk's vision. And this is just one of the ways AI will transform our economy and society. In fact, I now predict… Between now and January 9, 2024… Next generation AI technology will open a “wealth window”… That could be the biggest wealth-building opportunity of your lifetime. I now expect AI to be the first $100 TRILLION industry. There could be trillions available to those who get in early… Today, for the first time… I'm showing good Americans exactly what to do… Go here now to see my plan… For investing in AI during this brief “wealth window”.

P.S. If you missed out on crypto, this could be your second chance. The AI “wealth window” is opening now, but you must get in before January 9, 2024. Don't delay. See all the details you need here.

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Warren Buffet's #1 Favorite Investment

Learn how to invest in the specific type of private investment that netted Warren Buffett a combined $27 Billion in profits.

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How To Invest In Elon's New "Project X"

Take a moment right now and unlock this shocking video.

I just saw this from my friend, veteran trader Tim Bohen.

He says this video details a mega trading opportunity right now, that could blow up in the weeks to come.

In fact, he says, just one tweet from Elon Musk could blow this story wide open on or before April 25. 

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How To Invest In The Tiny Company Behind the "Forever Battery"

It’s called the “Forever Battery” and this groundbreaking technology could be the biggest story of 2022. Get the details on how to invest in this exciting startup from early-stage investing expert Charles Mizrahi.

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The #1 Stock of A Generation

Adoption of “Imperium” is set to happen faster than the internet in the 90’s. One $2 stock is positioned to cash in on the explosive growth.

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The #1 Blockchain Investment For 2022

Blockchain technology burst into the mainstream in 2021. Institutional investors have been pouring money into a variety of highly promising opportunities, but one investment stand out as the single biggest blockchain opportunity.

Enter Your Email Below To Watch Jeff Brown’s Free Presentation Revealing the #1 Blockchain Investment of 2022

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