Facebook’s “Dangerous” AI Strategy

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See An-E's stock price predictions of TSLA, NVDA, and AAPL

One of the world's top financial tech companies recently launched a breakthrough, new A.I. stock predictive system called An-E (pronounced Annie, short for Analytical Engine).

They tested it by tasking it with many thousands of stock predictions… and comparing its forecasts with what actually happened. 

And many of those predictions ended up being incredibly accurate, often times either spot on or only a percentage or two off. 

That was one of the main reasons TradeSmith knew they could bring An-E to the market, and show its capabilities to the public… 

Which we did recently by putting on a special presentation.

During that event, TradeSmith had An-E “take aim” at some of the biggest, most popular stocks on the market… Tesla (TSLA), Nvidia (NVDA), and Apple (AAPL)… 

And predict their stock prices one month into the future. 

Well, where did An-E think they would end up? 

The answer was pretty shocking. 

You can find out for FREE, here.

Caution! The AI Hype Cycle Will Leave META Stock Investors Disappointed.

Meta stock has benefitted from the Generative AI boom, but a slough of disillusionment lies ahead.

  • Meta Platforms (META) is up 150% this year, the biggest gain among the five Cloud Czars.
  • It is using an open source strategy to open up the Generative AI market to consumers and developers.
  • Rivals want the government to clamp down and the strategy hasn’t yet generated a profit

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Meta Platforms (NASDAQ:META) has been the hottest of the “Cloud Czars” in 2023, with its stock up 125%.

The other Czars, who among them own the bulk of the world’s hyperscale data centers, include names like Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOG, NASDAQ:GOOGL) and Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL). Their stocks are also up, but not by half as much.

Meta is the smallest of the Czars by market cap, still at under $700 billion. Investors see it driving more of its revenue from AI-influenced applications than rivals. It has strength in consumer applications like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp that can use it.

Meta has also announced it will open-source key AI technologies and draw developers from around the world.

META Meta Platforms $273.35

The Meta Pivot

The reason for Meta’s outperformance is the Generative AI “hype cycle.” The hype cycle is a term coined by market researchers at Gartner Group (NYSE:IT), illustrating what happens when new disruptive technologies emerge. Early announcements, Gartner writes, lead to a “peak of inflated expectations,” followed by a “trough of disillusionment,” then a “slope of enlightenment,” and finally, productivity.

These are the early days of the AI boom. Stocks have yet to reach their speculative peak. But Meta is already selling for nearly 33 times earnings and nearly six times last year’s sales.

Before ChatGPT was announced last November, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg was spending 10s of billions of dollars on the “metaverse,” digital avatars in a virtual world with no market. After the announcement, he pivoted to AI but cut the overall budget in what he called a “year of efficiency.”

The results were not yet apparent in the company’s first-quarter earnings report. Net income was down 24% from a year earlier, even with revenue up 3%. But the expense hike included $1.14 billion in one-time charges from the company’s restructuring. Analysts expect higher earnings this quarter and acceleration from there. The numbers were good enough to send shares up 10% the next day and keep them rising.

The Meta Strategy

The New York Times and the other Czars call Meta’s AI strategy “dangerous,” but it’s 25 years old and proven to work.

Meta open-sourced the code to its large language model, called LLaMA, under Version 3 of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Meta’s rivals have gone to Congress for relief, winning bipartisan support on fears that AI could influence elections by delivering fake information that looks real.

Since releasing LLaMA, Facebook has also introduced a speech translation system, a computer vision model, and an AI music generator.

These will be powered by a Meta line of computer chips. Because Meta and other Cloud Czars control their own data centers, some analysts see the chip efforts as a threat to mighty Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA).

The Bottom Line

Analysts have fallen in love with Meta again. Of the 43 following it, 38 now tell investors to buy the stock.

But the hype cycle carries a warning. At some point, a failure to deliver results will cause analysts to lose faith, sending the price of AI stocks plummeting. Meta will not be immune. Its first quarter results also show that AI has not yet achieved any meaningful financial results. Profits are down.

In addition to the risk of government action against open-sourced AI, there’s also the question of whether AI is or should be a consumer technology at all. There is no business model for generative AI other than selling software. Meta doesn’t participate in this because it chose to open-source its software.

The slough of disillusionment lies ahead.

#1 AI stock trading for $3

AI is by far the biggest tech investing trend of 2023.

But Ross Givens says the #1 artificial intelligence stock is NOT Microsoft, Google, Amazon or Apple.

Nope – his research is pointing to a tiny, under-the-radar stock that's trading for just $3 right now…

And could soon shoot to the moon, handing early investors a windfall.

This company already has 98 registered patents for cutting-edge voice and sound recognition technology…

And has lined up major partnerships with Honda, Netflix, Pandora, Mercedes Benz and many, many others.

So if you missed out on Microsoft when it first went public back in 1986…

This could be your shot at redemption.

Click here now for the full details of this $3 stock that's set to rocket in the AI revolution…

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Warren Buffet's #1 Favorite Investment

Learn how to invest in the specific type of private investment that netted Warren Buffett a combined $27 Billion in profits.

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How To Invest In Elon's New "Project X"

Take a moment right now and unlock this shocking video.

I just saw this from my friend, veteran trader Tim Bohen.

He says this video details a mega trading opportunity right now, that could blow up in the weeks to come.

In fact, he says, just one tweet from Elon Musk could blow this story wide open on or before April 25. 

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How To Invest In The Tiny Company Behind the "Forever Battery"

It’s called the “Forever Battery” and this groundbreaking technology could be the biggest story of 2022. Get the details on how to invest in this exciting startup from early-stage investing expert Charles Mizrahi.

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The #1 Stock of A Generation

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The #1 Blockchain Investment For 2022

Blockchain technology burst into the mainstream in 2021. Institutional investors have been pouring money into a variety of highly promising opportunities, but one investment stand out as the single biggest blockchain opportunity.

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