This One Investment Survived the Bloodbath

Stocks have been down almost every day in September, the toughest month for investors. The market is down 10% this month.

There are plenty of reasons. The markets hate uncertainty, and we’re getting plenty of uncertainty as we head into the November elections. If President Trump and the Republicans hold onto controlling the White House and the Senate, the markets will rebound. If Biden and the Democrats take control of Washington, expect a sell-off as investors take their profits in the face of higher taxes and regulations.

Right now, and the polls show the Democrats sweeping into office in January. Trump and the Republicans could achieve an upset, but their ill-advised decision to push through a new Supreme Court justice to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg isn’t helping matters. It looks like an act of desperation.

Wall Street has gone up too far, too fast. Given that the economy has struggled mightily in the face of the never-ending scaremongering by government officials, the media and even medical experts, the markets were due for a correction.

Even gold and silver have taken it on the chin. Gold is down to $1,861 an ounce, a drop of 14% from its highs, and silver has dropped 22% to nearly $22 an ounce.

Is there no place to hide? Certainly, investors seek shelter with Treasury bonds during a panic, but guess what? Treasury securities are also down slightly for the month. Interest rates can go only so low in the face of rapidly expanding monetary and fiscal policy. 

Only One Place to Hide

It turns out there only one investment has gone up in September: The U.S. dollar!

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After falling for most of the year, the dollar has increased against the euro, the pound and other currencies.

Courtesy of

Why the dollar? Lots of reasons. As my colleague Jim Woods, coeditor of Fast Money Alert, states:

“The dollar rally is being driven by a trifecta: 1) Concerns about rising coronavirus cases in Europe and Britain [but not Sweden — they are over it!] resulting in more monetary accommodation. 2) Mild market disappointment that the Fed wasn’t more aggressive last week. 3) Potential earnings disappointments.”

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Brian Hunt
CEO, InvestorPlace

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Warren Buffet's #1 Favorite Investment

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How To Invest In Elon's New "Project X"

Take a moment right now and unlock this shocking video.

I just saw this from my friend, veteran trader Tim Bohen.

He says this video details a mega trading opportunity right now, that could blow up in the weeks to come.

In fact, he says, just one tweet from Elon Musk could blow this story wide open on or before April 25. 

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The #1 Blockchain Investment For 2022

Blockchain technology burst into the mainstream in 2021. Institutional investors have been pouring money into a variety of highly promising opportunities, but one investment stand out as the single biggest blockchain opportunity.

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